P.O. Box 450/215 Main Street Brookneal, VA 24528

JULY 10, 2001




Mayor Cox opened the public hearing on the privatization of solid waste.  Nine citizens of the Brookneal community were present to voice their opinions in favor of or against the privatization of the waste collection.


Mr. Billy Guthrie, owner of Guthrie’s Hardware on Main Street, spoke first wanting to know where this idea came from and asked Town Manager, Danny Inge, to explain.  Mr. Inge responded by saying that the Town has had problems finding folks to work in Public Works for some time and it was virtually impossible to find folks to stick with the job.  He went on to explain that right now the town has one full-time employee working with the solid waste program that has been with the town nearly thirty years and could retire at any time.   In his opinion this employee would be very difficult to replace at his current salary.  Mr. Inge also pointed out that the two garbage trucks that belonged to the town were past their age of use and would have to be replaced soon costing the town one-hundred to one-hundred thirty thousand dollars ($100,000 - $130,000) a piece to replace.


Town Manager Inge continued by noting that Council decided to explore idea of privatizing waste collection with two things in mind.  First, it has to at least cost no more than it does now and second, it has to provide similar service with as little change as possible.  Residence pick-up will continue at no charge but will be enhanced.  Mr. Inge stated that under a contract with VSW, which is run by Bruce Updike, all of the town’s current collections will be maintained such as the fire department, park, and main collection site here.   Businesses will no longer get a bill from the landfill but will instead get one from the pickup service.  Council has decided not to make this mandatory for businesses.  Business owners are free to take the trash off them selves if they wish.


Several Citizens expressed concern as to the cost that would be involved to the businesses and whether or not the businesses would be able to afford the additional cost.  Concerns were also raised as to the efficiency of the service if it is contracted out.


Rachel Elder said that if the Town of Brookneal was becoming too expensive to operate then maybe the town should turn its’ charter back into the county.  Mayor Cox quickly pointed out that if the town were to do that you would have no town police, streetlights, and other amenities that are provided by the town.


Mr. Guthrie asked that it go on the record that he would be able take his trash to the dump himself at no charge.  Mrs. Ruby Jennings, owner of Burton Jennings Florist on Main Street, asked what would happen when on a seasonal basis she has more trash or someone comes along and trashes the area - whose responsibility will it be to clean this up.  Mr. Inge stated that until it actually happens, we will never know for sure but that he had spoken to Bruce Updike and Mr. Updike had indicated that the seasonal fluctuation did not present a problem


Grey Puckett noted that the town was looking at a three-year contract, renewable in a year and suggested that we try it out for about a year and then decide how it’s working.


Council reiterated that no final decision had been made yet and they would take into consideration the comments and concerns of everyone that came to the public hearing.


Mayor Cox declared the public hearing closed at 8:04 P.M.



8:05 P.M. – The regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council

The municipal government of the Town of Brookneal met with the following members present:


Ronald E. Cox, Mayor

Lee Booker, Vice Mayor

Phyllis Campbell, Meg Tibbs, and Everett Guill, Councilmembers

Danny Inge, Town Manager

Laurie C. Francis, Clerk/Treasurer

Kurland Roark, Police Sergeant

Mike Crews, Public Works Director





Upon motion by Meg Tibbs, seconded by Phyllis Campbell and unanimously carried, council approved the agenda with the following additions: (1) Bicentennial Committee Report  (2) Day in the Park




Upon motion by Everett Guill, seconded by Phyllis Campbell and unanimously carried, the June 12, 2001 minutes were approved.





The Treasurer’s Report was filed for audit.




Be It Resolved that motion was made by Everett Guill, seconded by Phyllis Campbell and unanimously carried, authorizing the payment of the invoices for the period of June 12, 2001 to July 10, 2001 in the amount of $16,261.26




Ms. Tracy Meisenbach, of Cook Avenue, appeared before council to complain about her neighbors on Cook Avenue having yard sales too often.  She asked why the town could not do anything about this.  Town Manager Danny Inge said that he would look into it and that they should have a town license.


Ms. Meisenbach also appeared requesting that the town impose a leash law within the town limits stating that loose dogs were becoming a problem in Brookneal.  She noted that a citizen of Brookneal had just recently had her cat torn apart by loose dogs.  Mr. Inge asked if the dogs had collars.  Ms. Meisenbach stated that most of them did.  She felt that it should be made mandatory for all dogs to be kept on a leash at all times.


Ms. Meisenbach asked what it would take to get a public hearing on a leash law.  Mayor Cox noted that the town had had a public hearing in the past on this matter and views were divided.  Mayor Cox reassured Ms. Meisenbach that the town would look into ways to help resolve the problem but he did not think we should consider a leash law at this time.




Town Council tabled this matter until certain personnel matters could be addressed.





Upon motion by Everett Guill, seconded by Phyllis Campbell and unanimously carried, council voted to allow Long Island Ruritan Club to use the park on October 25, 2001 for a circus.




Upon motion by Everett Guill, seconded by Phyllis Campbell, and unanimously carried council authorized payment of the Town Hall Renovation.





Day in the Park is set for Saturday, September 15, 2001.




Phyllis Campbell reported that the bicentennial committee met on Friday, July 6, 2001 to discuss fundraising.


Meg Tibbs stated that a fund raising banquet was tentatively scheduled for October 6, 2001 at $50 a ticket for no more than 200 people to raise money for the bicentennial.  A silent auction has also been planned to raise money for the bicentennial and the committee is looking into plans to sell bricks for the walkway.


Council, by consensus, agreed that all monies brought in for the bicentennial would be brought in through the town.





Town Manager, Danny Inge, announced his resignation effective July 31, 2001.  Town Council expressed their appreciation for the years he has dedicated to the town noting that he had done a fine job as the Town Manager of Brookneal and wished him well in his new job.


Council ruled by consensus to advertise locally for the Town Manager position.  This matter would be readdressed at the next council meeting and a decision would be made as to whether to advertise outside of the area.





Upon motion by Phyllis Campbell, seconded by Everett Guill, council went into Closed Meeting for discussion of personnel matters pursuant to VA Code 2.1-344(A)(1).





Mayor Cox called for a show of hand vote that all matters discussed were in accordance with VA code Section 2.1-344(A)(1).


All concurred.




Upon motion by Meg Tibbs, seconded by Phyllis Campbell, and unanimously carried, council voted to hire Laurie C. Francis as the Clerk/Treasurer of Brookneal.



Upon motion by Meg Tibbs, seconded by Everett Guill and unanimously carried, council adjourned.





_____________________________       _______________________________

Laurie C. Francis                                         Ronald E. Cox,

Clerk/Treasurer                                            Mayor















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