P.O. Box 450/215 Main Street Brookneal, VA 24528

February 11, 2003


7:00 P.M. – The regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council

The municipal government of the Town of Brookneal met with the following members present:


Phyllis Campbell, Mayor

Jack Woodell, James Nowlin, Meg Tibbs, and Tracy Meisenbach, Councilmembers

Joseph R. Williams, Town Manager

Laurie C. Francis, Clerk/Treasurer

Mike Crews, Public Works Director

Jim Hires, Police Chief





Mayor Campbell declared the public hearing open at 7:02 P.M. welcoming the 36 people in attendance.


Speaking first was Alan Tibbs, a resident of Terry Road and a business owner in town.  Mr. Tibbs spoke on behalf of the Southeastern Virginia Dog Hunters Association.  Mr. Tibbs pointed out that the only reason the hunting dogs come to town is because there are deer in town.  He also stated that the hunting dogs were collared and licensed and the hunters don’t want their dogs hurt or punished until they can get them back home.  Mr. Tibbs also stated that the hunting dogs do not chase cows or horses.


Thomas Irr, a resident of Virginia Avenue spoke next stating that he has had an issue with dogs without tags knocking things over.  However, Mr. Irr pointed out that his dog chased these dogs off noting that the family dog acts as a protector for their children.  Mr. Irr concluded by saying that he believed the real issue to be nuisance animals and not peoples pets.


Pauline Douglas of Ridge Street stated that she was all for this ordinance.  Ms. Douglas stated that her neighbor’s dogs are aggravating and she would like to get all the dogs off of her property.


Janie Seckman of Carson Street commented that she doesn’t have a problem with dogs roaming in her section of town, but she does have deer.


Barbara Lail of Virginia Avenue spoke in favor of the ordinance citing an incident that occurred the previous weekend when she had found two pit bulls and a rotweiller in her front yard.


Suzanne Wolfe of Cook Avenue also spoke in favor of council adopting a dog confinement ordinance.


Martha Wilson, a resident of the town, said she has never had a problem with dogs.  Ms. Wilson stated that if council adopts a dog confinement ordinance they can anticipate the next problem coming when residents complain about the noise created by the barking dogs.


Bob Jean of Cook Avenue, just outside of town, stated that pet dogs were not causing the problems which exist in town.  Mr. Jean felt like it was the unlicensed, uncared for animals that ware the problem.  Mr. Jean stated that there were already vicious dog laws and nuisance dog laws on the books and we didn’t need any new laws.


W.T. Carr, a town resident and business owner, also spoke against the ordinance and added that it was a small price to pay to live in a rural town.


Ronny Cox, of Juniper Cliff Road, told council that he felt the problem was with stray dogs.  Mr. Cox stated that the ordinance was going to create more problems and the ordinance would ban dogs in the Town of Brookneal.  Mr. Cox continued stating that his dog helped free his property from wild animals that may carry rabies or Lyme disease.


Mr. Cox also voiced his concern over the section of the proposed ordinance that would allow people to shoot dogs in Brookneal.  Mr. Cox went on to say that it was against the law to shoot a dog in Brookneal.


Council member Tracy Meisenbach responded to Cox telling him that the part of the proposed ordinance which permits killing dogs is already state law.


Mr. Cox suggested that instead of adopting a dog confinement ordinance that council request town residents to confine their pets for a temporary periods in order to give the animal control officers time to catch the strays, which are causing problems.


Campbell County Animal Control Officer Benny David, who is also a town resident, informed council that he gives his job 100 percent.  After giving several examples of calls he had gone to, Mr. David said that he is doing all he can do and was just looking for a tool to help him do his job better.


George Clark of Terry Road said that he was concerned that if a leash law were enacted dogs would be seen tied when it was freezing and their food dish would be knocked over.  Mr. Clark stated that he was just trying to figure out something that he could do to keep from having to tie his dog to a tree or put him in a 3 x 5 box.


Pam Murphy of Charlotte Street spoke to council stated she didn’t understand the big deal.  Ms. Murphy said that she was aware that some of her neighbors were scared of dogs but she made sure her dogs were put up.


Council member Tracy Meisenbach asked the audience “Do we have to wait for a person to be killed.”


Brookneal supervisor J. D. Puckett spoke telling town residents that Campbell County has three animal control officers who are available to enforce the laws that are on the books today.


Rita Smith, a resident of the town, expressed opposition to the ordinance telling council members she had worked with her neighbors to solve some serious problems with dogs.


Bernadette Irr, of Virginia Avenue, was the final speaker to address council saying that she was very concerned about the dogs here but she was more concerned about her children.  Ms. Irr stated that her dog was the best alarm system she had and that she wanted her dog to be allowed to remain free to follow and protect her children.


Mayor Campbell closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.





Upon motion by Jack Woodell, seconded by James Nowlin, and unanimously carried, council approved the agenda.



Upon motion by Meg Tibbs, seconded by Jack Woodell and unanimously carried council voted to table the Dog Confinement Ordinance until the next regular council meeting.



Upon motion by Jack Woodell, seconded by James Nowlin, and unanimously carried, the January 14, 2003 minutes were approved.


Upon motion by Meg Tibbs, seconded by Jack Woodell and unanimously carried council approved the January 21, 2003 minutes.





The Treasurer’s Report was filed for audit.



Be It Resolved that motion was made by James Nowlin, seconded by Meg Tibbs and unanimously carried, authorizing the payment of the invoices for the period of January 15, 2003 to February 10, 2003 in the amount of $15,005.17.




Town Manager, Joseph Williams, recognized Barry Wilhelm and the firm of Draper Aden for their generous donation to the Bicentennial fund.



Upon motion by James Nowlin, seconded by Jack Woodell and unanimously carried Council voted to take the Adelphia Cable Franchise Agreement to Public Hearing.





Town Manager, Joseph Williams, presented to council as requested quotes for the community building repair.  The floor was quoted at a cost of $3, 882.79.  There were two quotes from two local businesses for the painting in the amounts of $4,525.50 and $6,194.00.


After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Campbell sent this to committee for further study.


Jerry Hanson, a former resident of Cook Avenue, has requested the use of the community building on a weekly basis to provide driver certification classes.


Council voiced concern that this was a business and money would be collected for these classes.  Jack Woodell made a motion to disapprove the request.  The motion was seconded by James Nowlin and passed with Council member Meg Tibbs abstaining.




Town Manager, Joseph Williams, informed council that he had received official notice from The Department of Justice approving the change of election date for the Town of Brookneal from May to November.





Council is scheduled to meet with Campbell County on March 3, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. to hear a presentation from Bill Gillespie regarding health insurance.



Upon motion by Meg Tibbs, Mayor Campbell adjourned the meeting.




_____________________________       _______________________________

Laurie C. Francis                                         Phyllis Campbell,

Clerk/Treasurer                                            Mayor









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