P.O. Box 450/215 Main Street Brookneal, VA 24528

April 13, 2010

7:00 PM – The regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council


The municipal government of the Town of Brookneal met with the following members present:


Phyllis Campbell, Mayor

James Nowlin, Vice Mayor

Richard Adams, Kenneth Jennings, Tracy Meisenbach, and Robert Jean, Council Members

Mike Crews, Public Works Director

Bobbie Waller, Clerk/Treasurer

Brian Carr, Police Sergeant

Absent:  Phillip Sheppard, Council Member





7:02 p.m.  Mayor Campbell called to order the public hearing to receive comments on the Town’s intent to file an application for funding with USDA, Rural Development for funding of a proposed police SUV and in-car cameras for the police department.  No one spoke in favor or in opposition to the application; therefore, Mayor Campbell closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m.





Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Kenneth Jennings, and unanimously carried, Council approved the agenda for the April 13, 2010, regular meeting of the Brookneal Town Council with the following additions:  1) Transfer of Appropriation, 2) Fund Management for the tobacco grant, 3) Change order to fund a Class A operator for the water plant while repair work is being done to the Hunter Road water tank.




Upon motion by Kenneth Jennings, seconded by James Nowlin, and unanimously carried, Council approved the March 9, 2010, Committee, and Town Council meeting minutes.




Mayor Campbell asked that the April 2010 treasurer’s report be filed for audit.




Be it resolved that motion was made by James Nowlin, seconded by Kenneth Jennings, and unanimously carried, authorizing the payment of the invoices for the period of March 10, 2010, to April 13, 2010, in the amount of $21,134.17.


Pastor Joyce Young of the Faith Tabernacle Church of Jesus Christ, located on Main Street, appeared before Council to request use of the community building on Saturdays and Sundays for her church services.  Councilperson Jean said that although this was a good cause, it was a “community building” and to allow one group to tie it up for all those days would be unfair.  Vice Mayor Nowlin suggested having the physical development committee review this issue and bring back a recommendation to Council.  Ms. Young said she would like to have a reply to her request by the first weekend of May.


Mr. Ricky Cousins, of the American Legion Post 52, appeared before Council to request the community building for their Memorial Day service on May 29, 2010 at 11:00 a.m.  They want to use the community building facilities as well as the area around the gazebo on that day.   Mr. Cousins also informed the Council that there will be a flag retirement ceremony on July 14, 2010, at 7 p.m.  They would like to use the community building grounds around the gazebo for that ceremony.  Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by Tracy Meisenbach, and unanimously carried, the Council voted to allow the American Legion Post 52 to use the community building for these events.


Mr. Dean Monroe, of Naruna, spoke on behalf of Aleda Virginia, a company that he and his son own.  He is also part owner of the Tarkett property.  He said that they are considering an application for a mobile home park at the end of Mattox Street.  He said that they do not know how much of the property can be used.  He said it is approximately 7 acres, and he said they realize that it will have to be re-zoned.  He said they wanted an opinion from the Council on what they see in the future for the Town of Brookneal for that area.   Ms. Meisenbach said that Town code does not allow bringing in any new mobile homes into the town limits.  It does allow the replacement of old mobile homes that have already been here and were grandfathered in.  She said the Town would have to go through an ordinance change process as well as having the planning commission meet.  There would also have to be public hearings to garner public opinion on the issue.  Mr. Monroe said that they were not interested in changing laws or going into places where people do not want them.  He said they had too many other places to go.  He said he thought it was real narrow minded for the Town to say they never want a mobile home in the Town.




Mike Crews, Public Works Director, announced that the tree at the cemetery had been taken down.  He reported that he had met with Mr. Kenneth Brown from VDOT concerning the hole in front of the Joy Food Store that Mr. Jean had addressed concerns about at the February Council meeting.  Mr. Brown said he would forward it to their committee to look at, but with the cuts VDOT is experiencing, it may not be done by them.


Mr. Crews said that the clear well at the water treatment plant will be taken down on April 14, 2010.  He asked that everyone spread the word to be conservative with water for the next couple of days because of this.  Water cannot be pumped up the hill during this period.  He said an addendum to the change order for the repair of the water tank has been distributed to the Council for their approval.  When the Hunter Road water tank is taken off line for repair, it will be required that the water treatment plant run 24 hours a day to keep the water tank behind the Town office full.  It is going to take 5-7 days to have the tank repaired.


He said the wastewater project should be starting next week.  He said the Staunton River lagoon would be done first.  The project includes installing new blowers, uva lighting, new diffusers, new baffle curtains, and new contact tanks at each of the lagoons.


Mr. Crews said Vice Mayor Nowlin and the Lions Club need the time capsule put in the ground before Day in the Town on May 1.  Mr. Nowlin said that it will be put somewhere near the gazebo, somewhere on the side, and as close to the gazebo as possible.  Mr. Crews and Mr. Nowlin set a tentative date of April 20 around 12:30 p.m. to bury the time capsule.




Littleton and Associates submitted a change order to WW Associates for the repairs of the water tank.  A copy of this change order was included in the Council packets for each member’s review.  Due to the Hunter Road water tank being taken down for repairs for 5-7 days, the water treatment plant will have to be in operation 24 hours a day for that period of time.  The change order requested would provide the Town with a Class III operator to work a period of 80 hours during that time.  The total amount of this change order is $7,040.  Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by James Nowlin, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the change order for the water treatment plant project.





WW Associates submitted an addendum for the grant management services for the wastewater treatment improvement project that was awarded by the Tobacco Indemnification Commission.  They proposed to provide these services for the lump sum fee of $8,500 as an addendum to the existing contract with the Town for this project.  Upon motion by Robert Jean, seconded by James Nowlin, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the addendum for the grant management services.




Upon motion by Tracy Meisenbach, seconded by James Nowlin and unanimously carried, the Council approved the following transfer of appropriation as outlined by the treasurer.

To:      Brookneal Town Council

Date:   April 13, 2010

The following Appropriation Transfers are requested:

General Fund

Category—Expense ADD New Total

Legal---01-1204-3002                                                            $ 3,335.00                 $ 7,335.00

Category—Expense DELETE New Total

Town Manager Salary—01-1201-1001                                $ 3,335.00                 $20,565.00

To cover invoice from Virginia Employment Commission for unemployment for a former employee.

Respectfully requested by:






Upon motion by Kenneth Jennings, seconded by Robert Jean, and unanimously carried, the Council approved the following resolution for a USDA grant for a police vehicle and in car cameras for the police department.  A roll call vote was taken as follows:


Mr. Jean                      Aye                              Mr. Adams                 Aye

Mr. Nowlin                   Aye                              Ms. Meisenbach         Aye

Mr. Jennings               Aye


Mayor Campbell         Aye




The governing body of the Town of Brookneal, consisting of 7 members, in a duly called meeting held on the 13th day of April, 2010 at which a quorum was present RESOLVED as follows:


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, in order to facilitate obtaining financial assistance from the United States of America, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, the Town of Brookneal, in the development of in car cameras for the police department and a new police vehicle to serve the community, the governing body does hereby adopt and abide by the covenants contained in the agreements, documents, and forms required by the Government to be executed.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor Phyllis Campbell of the Town of Brookneal be authorized to execute on behalf of the Town of Brookneal the above-referenced agreements and to execute such other documents including, but not limited to, debt instruments and security instruments as may be required in obtaining the said financial assistance.


This Resolution, along with a copy of the above-referenced documents, is hereby entered into the permanent minutes of the meetings of this Board.








I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the _____________


_________________________ of the _________________________ in a duly assembled


meeting on the ________ day of ________________, 20_____.








Finance and Planning Committee Chairperson Richard Adams reviewed the proposed FY10/11 budget that his committee is presenting to Council.  Projected revenues on the general fund side are $568,419.96 with expenses also of $568,419.96.  Projected revenues for the utility fund side are $502,509.63 with expenses also of $502,509.63.  He said the budget does include and reflect a 2% increase in cost of living for the town employees with no increase in their health insurance due to a change in insurance policies.  This budget also figures in contingency fees for grants that the Town is beginning to see the results of.





Finance and Planning Committee Chairperson Richard Adams made the motion to accept this budget and advertise for a public hearing prior to the May 2010 Town Council meeting.  Mr. Adams made the motion to advertise the general fund budget for FY10/11 for public hearing at the May 2010 Town Council meeting.  The motion was seconded by Kenneth Jennings and unanimously carried.


Chairperson Adams made the motion to advertise the utility fund budget for FY10/11 for public hearing prior to the start of the May 2010 Town Council.  The motion was seconded by Robert Jean and unanimously carried.


Day in the Town Committee Chairperson James Nowlin commented on the Day in the Town that is planned for May 1, 2010.  He asked for everybody to publicize the event and tell everyone they know.


Mr. Jean asked that the missing road signs, yield signs, stop signs, etc. be checked on.  There were many that were knocked down in the winter during the snows.  He also asked that the trash cans that are damaged be checked on.  Some of the tops on them are loose and need some attention.  He also mentioned holes in the roads around Town that need to be checked on.

Mr. Adams said a town resident on Hunter Road had asked about extending sewer lines to their property on Hale Street.  There are as many as 6 other homes in that area that potentially be interested.  Their private septic system is not functioning properly.  He suggested finding out how many residents in that area would be interested and a potential cost of running that line.  Mr. Adams also addressed the current water lines that are being installed in the Town.  He asked Mr. Crews if property owners could be contacted prior to any drastic changes being made to their property as a result of installing the lines.


Ms. Meisenbach told the Council about a rock that has been placed at the Depot Garden in memory of Carolyn Lusardi.  She also said that she thought the town website is being under utilized.  Mayor Campbell said that a new website will be included in the downtown revitalization grant.  Scott Smith at the Region 2000 is working on that.


Ms. Meisenbach made a motion to start to advertise for a chief of police.  The motion was seconded by Kenneth Jennings.  Mr. Nowlin, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Jean voted against the motion, so therefore, the motion failed.


Mr. Jean made a motion to begin looking for a town manager immediately and to send out advertisements and give him the authority if we hire one to hire a chief of police as soon as money can be found.  He felt the priority should be on hiring a town manager and then move toward hiring a chief of police.  Mr. Jean clarified his motion to advertise for a town manager.  The motion received a second from Tracy Meisenbach.  Mr. Jennings, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Nowlin voted against the motion, so therefore, the motion failed.


Mr. Jennings then made a motion to advertise for a town manager with no stipulations.  Mr. Jean seconded the motion.  With Ms. Meisenbach voting aye, and Mr. Adams and Mr. Nowlin voting nay, the motion carried.


Mr. Jennings then commented that he wanted something done about this being a six person Council, but the Council had been sitting with only five members present for several months.  Mr. Jean agreed with Mr. Jennings’ comments.


Mayor Campbell commented that she would like to join the person on Hale Street who wants sewer brought to their home.  She said that they have spent approximately $6,000 in sump pumps to pump her sewer from her house to the nearest pump station.  She said she would like to see sewer run to her house on Clark Street.



Upon motion from Richard Adams, seconded by Kenneth Jennings, and unanimously carried, Mayor Campbell announced that the April 13, 2010, Council meeting was adjourned.




___________________________                  ____________________________

Bobbie A. Waller                                             Phyllis L. Campbell

Clerk/Treasurer                                               Mayor

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P.O. Box 450 or
215 Main Street
Brookneal, VA 24528




Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
